Sliding shutters - also known as tracking system shutters - are a ideal for those larger windows and a wonderfully practical way to separate rooms. Sliding shutters are available in Bi-fold or Bi-pass track systems. Bi-Fold shutters can be folded back along the track whereas Bi-Pass shutters slide in front or behind each other.
Whatever the length of your window or wall space span we can supply track shutters to fit.


ideal for those larger windows
Sliding shutters provide an enormous amount of options. They are available in 2 main track systems: Bi-Fold and By-Pass. Bi-Fold Shutters simply concertina together as you draw the panels along the tracks. By-Pass Shutters are made by sliding shutter panels that also operate on a track. This is usually situated to the top of the frame. At the bottom a small unobtrusive nylon guide keeps both panels in line, enabling a perfect shutter panel slide.

browse our complete range of shutters
All our shutter ranges are available with tracking systems, so the choice is very much yours. You can browse our complete range of shutters and see what suits your needs best. For sliding window shutters or room dividers we recommend using the light weight woods of our Cuba or Fiji ranges. However, due to their complexity, bifold shutters and sliding shutters are not available for online orders.
Sliding shutters are available in a wide variety of materials, from MDF shutters to top of the range hardwood shutters. You can browse our range of shutter materials or you can contact us for booking a free appointment. Our surveyors will take the measure for you then we will send you a no obligation quote. And if you live within the M25 the survey service is free. Book your survey request today!
As a longstanding family business we pride ourselves on the products & service we provide our customers.
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